Deploy with Docker and Digital Ocean

Sat Sep 24, 2016 - 1300 Words

Building on top of our docker-machine tutorial, we’re going to use the docker toolbox to create provision a server and deploy a Ruby on Rails application to the cloud.

Goal for this Tutorial:

  • Create a Docker host with docker-machine.
  • Deploy a Ruby on Rails application to the server using docker-compose.

Up to this point we’ve looked at how to utilize the Docker in our development environment, how to package up our own images, and how to use docker-compose to orchestrate different services in our development environment. These things are all great for having a sharable development, but there’s nothing stopping us from using this for deploying applications.

Our Rails Application

We’re actually going to build on top of the previous Docker in Development tutorial for our application. It shouldn’t be too difficult to take the basic application that we created in that tutorial and run it in the cloud.

The first thing that we need to do though is grab the code. We’ll use git to pull the sample code from the previous tutorial from github. We’re placing a . at the end of this command so that the contents of the repository are placed in our current directory.

$ git clone .

We’ll need to change into the blog directory, but besides that we’re good to go with a Rails application.

Looking at the Docker Setup

Before we get too far we should refresh our memories as to how we’ve set up Docker and docker-compose in this application.


FROM ruby:2.3

RUN apt-get update -yqq \
  && apt-get install -yqq --no-install-recommends \
    postgresql-client \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists

WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY Gemfile* ./
RUN bundle install
COPY . .

CMD rails server -b


version: "2"

    external: false

    image: postgres
    env_file: .env
      - db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/db-data

    build: .
    env_file: .env
      - .:/usr/src/app
      - "3000:3000"
      - db

We’ve also packaged up the .env file that holds the environment variables that we’re passing into the containers. Normally I wouldn’t store this file in version control because it contains secrets and passwords. Let’s look at that file again.



Everything here looks pretty good so let’s see if we can deploy this as is.

Docker-machine & Digital Ocean

There are essentially two things that we need to deploy a container for a web application into the wild:

1) A docker host server to run the container 2) An image to download or a Dockerfile to build the image from

Thankfully, Docker provides us with a really nice tool for building docker hosts easily in quite a few hosting providers. For this tutorial, we’re going to host with Digital Ocean (that link will get you a $10 credit for signing up) and creating our host using docker-machine. You’ll need to sign up with digital ocean before we begin because you’ll need to grab your API token. Once you have your account you can go here to generate a new API token.

I have my token store in the environment variable DO_TOKEN (you can set that for yourself using export DO_TOKEN="YOUR_TOKEN". Now that we have our API token, we can use docker-machine to actually create a droplet for us and set it up to be a docker host for us.

$ docker-machine create --driver=digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token=$DO_TOKEN --digitalocean-size=1gb blog

Now we have our first Docker host running “in the cloud” 😀. There are a lot more configuration values that you can pass to the digital ocean driver, so check those out in the Docker docs.

After our machine is up and running we’ll want to set that as our active machine using the env command docker-machine gives us:

$ eval $(docker-machine env blog)

Deploying with Docker

Like we had to when learning to develop a Rails application using Docker, we’re going to need to do a few things before our application will actually run. First, we’re going to need to create our database. We can do that by starting our services that are going to run from images, those shouldn’t have any issues.

$ docker-compose up -d db

This will create the network that all of our containers connect to to communicate with one another and also start our postgres container.

Next up, we’ll need to build our app image before we can run commands. This is going to need to install all of the gems and dependencies so it will likely take awhile.

$ docker-compose build app

After we’ve build our image we can run some commands with it. First, we need to create and migrate our database:

$ docker-compose run --rm app rake db:create db:migrate
/usr/src/app/Gemfile not found

Well that’s not good. This is an issue caused by our docker-compose.yml file sharing through our local volume so that we could develop using our normal tools and run the application in a container. That doesn’t work with a remote docker host like we’re working with now.

To fix this problem we need to change the docker-compose.yml file, but that will mean that we won’t be able to work with our application in development 😱. Thankfully, we can get past that by create a different compose file for our “production” deploys.

Let’s make a copy of our current file and call it

$ cp docker-compose.yml

We can make a few tweaks to this file and we’ll be well on our way to having this app deployed.

version: "2"

    external: false

    image: postgres
    env_file: .env
      - db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/db-data

    build: .
    env_file: .env
      RAILS_ENV: production
      - "3000:3000"
      - db

We’ll also adjust the “production” block of our config/database.yml and add “POSTGRES_HOST” to our .env file to make sure we can connect to the database.


# Extra values excluded
  <<: *default
  host: <%= ENV["POSTGRES_HOST"] %>
  database: blog_production



Since we’ve made a modification to the files that are in the image we’ll need to rebuild our app image before we continue, thankfully the caching will allow this to be quick. Notice that we’re using the -f flag to specify a different docker-compose file.

$ docker-compose -f build app

After that’s finished we should be able to create our database:

$ docker-compose -f run --rm app rake db:create db:migrate

Yay, Our database was successfully created! Let’s start our application and see if it works. We’ll run in the foreground so that we can see the logs.

$ docker-compose -f up app

Connecting to the App

We should be running now. Our next step is to try to access the application. For that we’ll need the IP address of our machine (your IP will be different).

$ docker-machine ip blog

Now if we go to we should see our application… Except we get this message:

An unhandled lowlevel error occurred. The application logs may have details.

Fixing the App

Thankfully, if we look at our logs we see this error:

#<RuntimeError: Missing `secret_key_base` for 'production' environment, set this value in `config/secrets.yml`>

We need to define a SECRET_KEY_BASE in our .env file since that’s the environment variable used in config/secrets.yml.


After that’s finished we’ll run our application again, this time in the background (confidence!).

$ docker-compose -f up -d app

If we try to connect to now we should see our fancy “Hello from Docker” message.


We’ve successfully deployed a “hello world” rails application to a docker host running in the cloud. There were a few snags that we had to deal with that don’t happen when running in development, from a local VM, but we made it through it. This deploy is not “good”. There’s quite a bit more that we should have done to get this production ready, but we did get the application to run.